Saturday, January 22, 2011

Journal Entry 3th Day

Yesterday I have played chapter 18- 22 of Uncharted 2,it was fun and a very challenging game to play... chapter 18 was solving mystery and going deep in to a temple and ended up being attack by wookies from star wars.Chapter 19-20 is where Tenzin's village were under attack by the bad guys.The villages were very brave fighting to protect their love and their village.Chapter 21-22 Nathan have to chase the bad guys from running away with the dagger.This part was very hard because I have to jump from a track to another before it explode.I learnt a few characteristicfrom the game that is being brave to protect your love one.This has been shown when the villages protect their family from the bad guys in a desprate situation.In this session Ian always asking for my help when he has problems...I hope to see more adventure in the next session and helps Abdullah in the game...

1 comment:

  1. ahh... see how the games keeps throwing surprises at you when you least expect it? think, how would you apply it in your own essay? perhaps using the same technique? inject life into your characters by giving them values and personalities and you'll get lovable and memorable characters like the game (Chloe?)
