Saturday, January 15, 2011

Journal Entry 1th day...

Today I played Chapter 1-6 of Uncharted 2 and I was shocked to see Nathan woke up in a train and hardly trying to get out from it.Chapter 2 is where Nathan,Flynn and Chloe goes to a museum at Istanbul to steal an artifacts left by Marco Polo.But at the end of chapter Flynn betrayed Nathan and left him be arrested by the Istanbul's police.Chapter 3 and 4 Nathan and his old friend Sully went to Borneo to search for his rival,Flynn and find some clues about Marco Polo.But I hate the part when I have to follow the blood that leads to a secret chamber because I get lost there.Chapter 5 and 6 is all about guns,action and was very thrilling.Nathan have to jump of a building to another building and destroyed a helicopter,it was the best action game I ever played!!!Today I learnt many kinds of characteristict such as loyalty,bravery and other characteristict that I can use to improve my narrative essay.I realy don't like the narrative essay because the paper does't gave me any story to write about,it just want me to write 350 words story.But I still have fun today with all the adventure in the game I played with Michael,Ian and Abdullah.And I also want to thank Jo for all the food and drinks today.I hope to see more adventure at the next session...

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