Monday, January 31, 2011

Post-Experience Journal Entry

In this past 3 weeks period I have played Uncharted 2 with my friends that is Ian,Abdullah and Michael Ho.This research have been organize by our old friend Jo.I realy have fun playing the game and I realy enjoy it because the game was full of adventure and realy challenge my mind when I have to solve the mystery.I think I will rate 10/10 for the game.Well just like I wrote in the previous journal entry I have learnt a new word that is "don't jump to conclusion" and some characteristics that is bravery,loyalty and also changing personality like Chloe when she change from bad to good,good to bad and so on...I have also learnt a new element of writing an essay that is using the element of flasback.In this research I have expand my gaming experience in a new level by playing a new consule that is ps3.I think I have improved my writing skills after the gaming session that I have done with my friends.I realize this after I done the narrative test in the last day of the gaming session.On my opinion using video games as a classroom enhancement activity can help me and my friends to improved our narrative writing skills because just like in the gaming session I have learnt many new kind of words,characteristics and using the element of flasback in my essay.Lastly,I want to thank Ian,Abdullah,Michael and Jo for helping me in this research and hoping this research is a big success and can help change our ways learning narrative writing in school........

Journal Entry 5th Day

In this session I have finished the last chapter in Uncharted 2 that is chapter 26.In this chapter Nathan found a tree that can give us immortal life.The bad thing is Lazaravic has drink the water from the tree and make him immortal and hard to kill.But the only way to kill him is to shoot the flameble rasin and make in explode beside Lazaravic.It was fun helping Abdullah because Jo teach us an easier way to kill Lazaravic,it is like almost playing cheating.But I feel bad about Jo because he have to die 6 times just to know how to kill Lazaravic.I feel very great to play the game and have fun with friend.Hope to see you againt Jo......

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Journal Entry 4th Day

I have finished chapter 23-25 in Uncharted 2,just 1 more chapter and i'm out.Finally,Nathan found Shambala and have to fight monsters...This game realy challage my mind by solving many myterys to find Shambala it makes me very tried.It was hard to get to this level but I feel so great to play one of the best game in the world!!!In this session I learnt to don't quit in any situation and just keep on going for success.I hope I will end the game and finish the narrative test faster in the next session.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Journal Entry 3th Day

Yesterday I have played chapter 18- 22 of Uncharted 2,it was fun and a very challenging game to play... chapter 18 was solving mystery and going deep in to a temple and ended up being attack by wookies from star wars.Chapter 19-20 is where Tenzin's village were under attack by the bad guys.The villages were very brave fighting to protect their love and their village.Chapter 21-22 Nathan have to chase the bad guys from running away with the dagger.This part was very hard because I have to jump from a track to another before it explode.I learnt a few characteristicfrom the game that is being brave to protect your love one.This has been shown when the villages protect their family from the bad guys in a desprate situation.In this session Ian always asking for my help when he has problems...I hope to see more adventure in the next session and helps Abdullah in the game...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Journal Entry 2th Day

Yesterday I played Chapter 7-17 of Uncharted 2 and I have to say it was thrilling and full of adventure...!!!!chapter 7-10 was about sloving mystery and finding clues.While chapter 11-14 was full of adventure especially at chapter 14 when Nathan destroye a hellicopter on a moving trian.But what I dislike about chapter 14 is when I have to kill one of the boss on the trian,I shoot hundreds of bullets and 3 grenade at him but he does't die,I don't know if he a monster or something...But the weird thing is Chole only takes one shoot to kill him,what is this????When I reaches chapter 15 it noticed me that I were playing flashback story about Nathan before he ended up on a trian with a lot of blood on his body in chapter 1.I think this is a very good materials that I can use in my essay...I realy supprised to see chapter 17 when suddenly a monster came out and I have to kill it,well good luck for me....I also learnt a new words that is''don't jump to conclusion"that I think I can also use to improve my writing skills in my essay.I feel very happy to learnt new words and expand my gaming experience especially by playing PS3.I realy realy realy hope that Abdullah can catch up with us and learnt more on how to control the character in the next session...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Journal Entry 1th day...

Today I played Chapter 1-6 of Uncharted 2 and I was shocked to see Nathan woke up in a train and hardly trying to get out from it.Chapter 2 is where Nathan,Flynn and Chloe goes to a museum at Istanbul to steal an artifacts left by Marco Polo.But at the end of chapter Flynn betrayed Nathan and left him be arrested by the Istanbul's police.Chapter 3 and 4 Nathan and his old friend Sully went to Borneo to search for his rival,Flynn and find some clues about Marco Polo.But I hate the part when I have to follow the blood that leads to a secret chamber because I get lost there.Chapter 5 and 6 is all about guns,action and was very thrilling.Nathan have to jump of a building to another building and destroyed a helicopter,it was the best action game I ever played!!!Today I learnt many kinds of characteristict such as loyalty,bravery and other characteristict that I can use to improve my narrative essay.I realy don't like the narrative essay because the paper does't gave me any story to write about,it just want me to write 350 words story.But I still have fun today with all the adventure in the game I played with Michael,Ian and Abdullah.And I also want to thank Jo for all the food and drinks today.I hope to see more adventure at the next session...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pre-Experience Journal Entry

      In this 3 weeks period with friends doing research about enchancing narrative writing skills through action-adventure video games will be a challenge for me because I never play the selected game before that is UNCHARTED 2.I think I will learn more about PS3 games and maybe it can improve my narrative writing skills in this 3 weeks period.Base on my opinion,using video games as a classroom enhancement activity is very interesting and could improve my writing skills in study.I hope UNCHARTED 2 will be the best game I ever play.I wish good luck to all my friends that took part in this research and hope me and my friends will enjoy the game.